Kamis, 10 Desember 2009


Righteous anger - Sometimes people, including you and me and our clients, get angry because we have, quite simply, been treated badly. Sometimes anger is just that: you treated me wrong and I'm angry with you for doing that.

Smokescreen anger - Anger is not always about anger! Some people - men a bit more than women - display anger when they get frightened. If client Bill gets worried that his job review is going to be poor because the installation in his department is going slow he may call and berate you for the work not going well. He sounds angry: in fact the anger is a smokescreen for his fear and he doesn't even know it himself.

Manipulative anger - Sad but true, some people have learned that they can get their way by intimidating others with anger. The anger is an academy-award winning performance whose only purpose is to get you to give in on something. This form of anger leads to a lot of "scope creep" and can cost your firm revenue!

Displaced anger - Have you ever kicked a trashcan when you were mad at your boss? Have you ever snapped at your spouse when you were mad at your mother?
We all tend to displace anger from someone to whom we cannot show anger - for whatever reason - to someone we can, either because they are more vulnerable or simply available. It isn't fair, but it is fairly universal. A common displacement of anger is blaming the person on the other end of the phone for the actions of the entire company.

Built-up anger - When people deal appropriately with frustration they seldom show temper. But, most people do not deal appropriately with frustration. They let little things build up and then some small event sets them off.

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